Learn MS Word -Easy Tutorials | THEORY/ PRACTICAL SESSION | PART 1

Why Word Processor
You can use Word as a word processor for printing letters, preparing mailing lists and creating documents reports. The speed of these operations is much faster than what is possible on any word processing package. You can even check the spellings and grammar in the documents. Moreover, you can add page numbers or change margins. You can even emphasize the selected words by printing them in boldface, italics or in bold italics.

  •  Word can store very long letters in the computer's hard disk. 
  • You can then modify such letters or print copies just by pressing a few keys from the keyboard.
  • In case you want to make changes in a letter, you can do so without retyping the whole letter.
  • In addition, Word can be used to send the same letter to several different addresses using the Mail-Merge facility or through electronic mail facility on the Internet.
  • Thus, you do not have to type each individual letter for every person.
  • Word Wrap- A word processor automatically moves the text  to the next line when you type beyond the right margin. This is known as Word Wrap.
  • Editing of Text- With a word processor, you can insert new words, new sentences or paragraphs anywhere in the text typed earlier. The new text will get adjusted automatically. 
  • Selection- A selection is a group of words that are put together. A word processor can perform various operations on a selection, such as copying, moving or deleting.
  • Moving/Copying Selection- You can move a selection to another location in the same document or copy the text at another location with the help of a word processor. This saves the effort of retyping the text.
  • Search and Replace- With a word processor, you can search for any specified word or character in a document and replace it with another word as desired.
  • Dictionary/Grammar Check- You can check spellings and locate errors in you document by using a Word.
  • Character Styles and Sizes- You can change the type and size of characters so that a printed document appears more attractive and professional. You can use bigger and bold letters for main headings.
  • Header, Footer and Page Numbering- A header is special text which is printed at top of each page. A footer is a special text which is printed at the bottom of each page. Word can generate page number automatically in a document.
  • Margins and Columns- The left and right margins are the distances between the text and the left and right edges of the paper.
  • Justification of the Text- Justification is the alignment of the text typed within the given the given margins. The text can be left, right, center or even justified
  • Line Spacing- In a word processor, the spacing between the lines can be adjusted. you can leave on or more blank lines between every two typed lines but the default line spacing for a word processor is single line spacing.
  • Tab Setting-You can set tabs in a word processor for typing columns in a document as in the case of a typewriter.
  • Tables- A table is made up of rows and columns of cells that you can fill with text and graphics.
  • Hyphenating Documents- The hyphenation feature of a word processor can break or hyphenate words so that they may fit better on a line.
  • Automatically Hyphenating Text- When you turn on automatic hyphenation, most word processors insert hyphens where ever needed in the document
  • File Length- File length determines how large a document can be in size. This is usually expressed in terms of Kilobytes. On byte refers to one character. 1 kilobyte represents 1024 bytes.


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